Things have been getting a little cray lately and as the word about Buildlane is getting out. It ramps our ability to urge our makers to take that next leap they have been considering, into a larger space, staff up, and level up! We got you.
We passionately advocate that furniture needs to be made closer to home. We’re all about that environmental impact and we love the idea of supporting the skilled laborers and small business owners that build quality custom furniture here in the States. With every mom and pop shop that we bring into our network, we seek to provide a steady flow of reliable business that can be counted on to develop the ideal environment for each individual family of builders.
Growing domestic furniture manufacturing is so important to me and there is no better feeling than standing next to a workshop owner in a big empty warehouse and watching the movers load in furniture building equipment.
Frank Eybsen CEO/Founder
And so over on IG reels this week, we were pleased to share a quick look at one of our fav LA workshops in just that scenario. Founder Frank accompanied the team for the move.
Here are a few words from Frank!
“A few years ago when called upon to explain why the mission behind Buildlane was so exciting I’d tell the story of how a handful of our partner workshops had doubled their space after working with us.
This month a couple of those same workshops are doubling their footprint once again.
Growing domestic furniture manufacturing is so important to me and there is no better feeling than standing next to a workshop owner in a big empty warehouse and watching the movers load in furniture building equipment.”
As Buildlane grows in demand, we in turn support the growth of the domestic partner factories that we work with.
Thank you for being a part of making that growth possible.