When designing for an AirBnB, Betsy Moyer knows that the guest experience is a bit different from your everyday residential one. That’s why she turned to custom and had Buildlane build the 360° modular that this large living space was destined for.

The Brief: Decorating a home for the AirBnB guest experience in a 4 bedroom resort home requires a space plan that is a bit more interactive and social than your average residential design. Betsy helped homeowner & AirBnB Super Host Kate Shaw imagine the use case of the room and the two arrived at a bespoke modular configuration. Late night conversations between 8 guests, cocktail hour during a very social Dinner prep session and group nights watching a favorite movie or tv show were the expectations. They landed on a seating plan that could accommodate one and all. This sofa features a number of “cuddle corners” and can pack a lot of butts with drink surfaces for every reach.
The Design Process: “I have been drawing up modulars in my fantasy furniture sketchbook for years, so it really wasn’t too hard to imagine the configuration options. I started with graph paper and moved to photoshop to imagine the possibilities. Keeping to ratios divisible by 12, a 72×36″ loveseat saddles up to a 36×36″ chair and is lined on the backside with 24×36″ ottomans that share the back. And speaking of the back, I was heavily inspired by a recent Instagram post by furniture designer Grant Trick. Getting into the details with Stephen Coombs, Buildlane Shop Drawing Manager, really helped to finalize the finer points and got us to the final result.”

Favorite Detail: “I mean, I guess the tubular backrest at the perfect 105 degree pitch. But really the nerd in me loves that each piece features a sneaky little attachment that keeps all of the pieces locked together. This keeps the dreaded spread from occurring while seated, and it keeps AirBnB guests from carrying pieces all over the house…because, according to Kate, they would.”
Initial Reaction: “Fear! I’m a truly insecure creative, so anytime I see something of my own making I feel panic. “It’s done, was it right? Did I do right by this project and the client’s needs?” But then the next feeling that I had when those first factory pics came my way, was a sneaking suspicion that this piece was potentially quite rad. Seeing it in the space now, I can’t imagine any other idea than this one. But I eagerly await my opportunity to take another spin on this idea!”

Mixed With: “A rug from my shop The Estate of Things, along with the naturally bohemian expressions of Justina Blakeney’s recent line for Target, and other very accessibly priced accessories from shops the likes of World Market, Urban Outfitters & even Wayfair, oh and some vintage. Always a bit of vintage. It’s an excellent high low mix!”